
Most of Mcviegh's influence was based on the Turner Diaries, a  racist novel written by Willaim Luther Pierce who was a former leader of the Nationalist Organization National Alliance. The Novel portrays a volient revolution in the United States that  leads to the overthrownment of the U.S government. The Turner Diaries proceeds with a nuclear war, and an extermination of all Jewish and non-whites. But The Turner Diaries exerted its most tragic influence on the mind of Timothy McVeigh. Days before he bombed the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City, killing 168 people and wounding 500 others, McVeigh mailed a letter to his sister warning that "something big is going to happen," followed by a second envelope with clippings from The Turner Diaries. When she learned of her brother's arrest in connection with the bombing, McVeigh's sister burned the clippings. Many believed that it was the book that had impact its readers especially Timothy Mcviegh and Terry Nichols who shared common interest of anti-goverment views